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Sights to See and Activities to Do in Nashville

As a lifelong resident of Nashville, today I’d like to share a few sights and activities our city offers.

Today I want to talk about that parts of Nashville that don’t involve buying and selling real estate.

I’m a longtime resident myself, and there’s so much happening right now in our beautiful city that my wife and I have actually taken a few mini “staycations” recently. Here are a few sights and activities I recommend if you have the opportunity to spend a night on the town:

If you have the time, I highly recommend you check these places out.

  • The Opryland Hotel. One of the things my family used to love to do when I was growing up was go to this hotel and see all the fun events happening inside it. It’s a great spot to spend an evening, and it costs hardly any money.
  • Jimmy Kelly’s Steakhouse. This used to be the place to go to see prominent sports figures, politicians, and other famous figures. As a restaurant, it’s been around a long time and has a wonderful ambiance.
  • Take a walk around the Parthenon. If you haven’t taken the time yet, go to Centennial Park and check out the Parthenon.

If you have any questions about this topic or would like to buy or sell a house here in Nashville, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’d be happy to help you!

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